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High Street St shops and businesses.

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Benefits of Joining the High.St for Larger Businesses

Large companies, national chains and franchises have subtly different requirements to small businesses. Therefore, we offer tailored packages to suit.

Linking to your Website

Larger businesses do not automatically get a link to their own website. Linking can be achieved either through: an affiliate programme or by payment.
-  If you run an affiliate programme, please contact us and we will join it and then add an appropriate affiliated link to all your branches listed on www.High.St
-  Or you can make a agreed payment, negotiable depending on the number of entries and period required. Please contact us direct.


All shops and businesses listed on High.St get the same advantage of a company that is well placed in the search engines and is successful in bringing customers to you. Gold plated advertising space is available on our home page and suitable banners can be inserted elsewhere. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Franchise Owners

We appreciate independent franchise owners have their own rules and guidelines. We accommodate these wherever possible, for example, complies with all the marketing requirements for Teleflorist. Alternatively, please request the franchiser to contact us.

Email Service

We offer small businesses a professional email address of the form: - a highly memorable address that forwards email to a private hotmail, bt or similar account. Linking a High.St email address to a physical High Street address is natural and makes it easy to remember. A High.St email address is never forgotten. We can offer large businesses and franchises a similar service, directing emails to either the appropriate branch or to head office. Again, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Still need convincing?

--- Features and Benefits of being on the High Street for the: --- Customer / Business
No. 1 search result* for "high st" on Google, Yahoo, Altavista and alltheweb. Yes Yes
Unique and memorable High.St name that will make your business stand out from the rest. Yes Yes
Link provided to your own web site (we can make you a page if you haven't got one already). Yes Yes
Never forgotten email address: Shop@Town.High.St. - As simple as posting a letter! Yes Yes
All High.St emails checked for viruses. Some Yes
High Street - Great site for tourists planning their vacation. Yes Some
High St - Great site for locals wanting to check on availability or make an appointment. Yes Yes
High.St - Great site for businesses to gain a strong web presence and show off their wares. Some Yes
Town based, rather than the usual product based site. Yes Some
No contract or tie in for businesses subscribing to the High Street. Some Yes
A comprehensive site search facility is available to users. Yes Yes

* True on 17 April 2008 but always subject to change (on 10 Sep 07 "high st" was number one on Google, Yaho and Microsoft Live search. On 3 March 2006 we were 1st on Yahoo and MSN Search, 2nd on Altavista and 3rd on Google. On 19 April 2005 we became number 1 on Google). A typical search for a business in a town, such as: 'Bakoo nightclub Inverness' also yields excellent results in most cases.

We can accommodate your requirements at a reasonable cost.
- Starting at £0-00 if you have an affiliate programme!

Not on the High Street?
- Don't worry, you can still join us. See the FAQ page for more details.

No website of your own?
- Don't worry, you can still join us. See the Sample Page or contact us about creating a larger site.

Please check your entry and advise us of any changes.

Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy statement.

If you have any more questions about the service,
- please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page first.
- If you have any other questions, please contact us by email at .